Voella’Tien has been quiet his whole time and nothing about that changes when Vong addresses the group. Rakatha seems to be preoccupied looking burly again so can’t be bothered with thinking. While going to investigate the rumor will only add fuel to the fire of Vong’s demotion from squad leader, I appear to be the only voice of reason available.… Read more →
Month: July 2019
Passage 30: The Departure
At eight in the morning I am sitting, once again, on the fence a mere hundred steps from the Adventurer’s Corps. Had I not been bleary from the night before, I might have even been pleased when Vong appears right on time. Voella’Tien is the next to show, and Rakatha lumbers up about fifteen minutes late. All in all, not… Read more →
Passage 29: The Direction
There is no time to begin to fully regret signing on to the Adventurer’s Corps because the Field Master signals for attention. There are five groups assembled but two of them appear already acquainted. The Field Master points to a map of the region that is up on the wall. It is divided into quadrants and further broken up into… Read more →
Passage 28: The Organization
Monday morning I return to the Adventurer’s Corps. A small queue is out front again. I see two that might be interesting: a shifty gnome, a human ranger. I walk in carrying all I own, ready to begin the patrol as soon as orders are handed out. In the back, the new groups are being assembled as members filter in.… Read more →
Passage 27: The Company
There is a small line formed and, as I near, I see a bill posted on the exterior that reads: Adventurers Wanted—fair pay to clean up Buknar Valley—no experience required. Those in line look to be a mix of mercenaries and soldiers—no doubt fresh from the field—hunters, vagrants, rogues, and beggars. This could be interesting. I edge closer to get… Read more →